If someone I know wants to make a gift to UT Southwestern, what do they do?
Please direct the individual to engage.utsouthwestern.edu or to call the Office of Development and Alumni Relations at 214-648-2344 to facilitate the gift.
A patient gave me cash, a check, or a gift card. What do I do with it?
ETH-105 states that personal gifts in excess of $50 per year may not be accepted from any company or individual. The term “personal gifts” means items of any sort, including gift cards, promotional items, gift baskets, meals, services, and entertainment that are not being provided as part of an approved, sanctioned educational activity. Unsolicited gifts received by faculty, employees, or trainees valued in excess of $50 per year should be directed to the Office of Development where they will be appropriately donated.
A patient of mine recently passed away. How can someone make a gift in their memory?
Please direct memorial gifts to engage.utsouthwestern.edu, where the option exists to dedicate a gift to the patient’s memory. Or call the Office of Development and Alumni Relations at 214-648-2344 and we can facilitate the memorial gift.
I was recently compensated for a speaking appearance. Can I donate the check I was given?
Employees should contact the Office of Legal Affairs with questions regarding whether an honorarium may or may not be accepted. An employee may accept an honorarium if the participation in outside activities is based on the employee’s knowledge and expertise, not the UTSW position they hold. This honorarium may be donated to UTSW and the faculty member should make arrangements with DAR to deliver the check/funds.
I am the PI on a gift fund. Can I make a gift to my own fund?
Yes! Stipulations exist. Please contact DAR for more information.
I sit on the board of a company. Can the company make a gift to my research?
Yes! Stipulations exist. Please contact DAR for more information.
How do I apply for a grant?
All research proposals must route through DAR or SPA’s internal review process for approval or institutional endorsement before submission to a sponsor. Please contact DAR's Foundation Giving Team to find out if your application can be facilitated by DAR or SPA.
What is the difference between DAR and Sponsored Programs (SPA)?
DAR facilitates gifts or grants from private supporters with no expectation of tangible benefits in receipt. SPA facilitates grants funded or sponsored by an external organization, which can be from federal, state, or private organizations or agencies.
How do I set up a gift fund?
Gift funds are established on an individual basis that consider several factors such as the identity of the PI, the amount of the expected gift, and current institutional funding priorities. Please contact DAR directly for further clarification.
Can someone donate something other than money?
Yes! In-kind donations are facilitated through DAR. Please contact DAR to provide information on the donor, description of the donation to determine gift acceptance or not. We will provide you with the official In-Kind Donation Form to complete and submit to DAR.
For information on the Willed Body Program to further medical research, please contact 214-648-2221.
For more information on our gift acceptance policies, please see the following resources:
(All links found in UT Southwestern Policy Handbook)
- ETH-101
- ETH-105 (“Relationships of UT Southwestern Faculty, Employees, and Trainees with Vendors”)
- FIM-601 (“Gifts – Solicitation, Acceptance, Processing, and Acknowledgement”)
- FIM-602 (“Management of Endowments”)