Volunteer Spotlight
Dawn Aaron and Cathy Glick on Serving as Co-Chairs of the Women’s Health Symposium
Lifelong friends focused their passion for UT Southwestern on the institution’s signature event for women
Cathy Glick calls Dawn Aaron “the icing on the cake.” Mrs. Aaron says the two work together like “yin and yang.”
The friends met as college students at The University of Texas at Austin and have shared many of life’s milestones – even marrying their husbands a mere eight days apart. For their latest adventure, they drew on their passion for UT Southwestern Medical Center to lead the Carolyn P. Horchow Women’s Health Symposium.
Cathy Glick and Dawn Aaron Mei-Chun Jau/UT Soutwestern Medical Center
Created in 1999, the Women’s Health Symposium has become UT Southwestern’s signature event for women, providing a forum to learn about current women’s health topics and interact with leading researchers and clinicians at the Medical Center. The event is named in honor of one of its Co-Founders, Carolyn P. Horchow, recognizing her impact on UT Southwestern and the greater Dallas community.
While Mrs. Aaron and Mrs. Glick have attended the annual event numerous times, it was their first chance to serve as Co-Chairs. This year’s event focused on insights and intel in the fight against cancer, giving women who want to learn about recent advances in treatment and prevention as well as those battling the disease “Reason for Hope.”
It’s far from their first involvement with UT Southwestern. The Dallas community volunteers are active members of the President’s Advisory Board, an organization that provides President Daniel K. Podolsky, M.D., and the institution’s leadership with guidance on opportunities and challenges facing the Medical Center. Through their sustained generosity, the Aaron family has supported breast cancer research at UT Southwestern. The Glicks have focused their family’s support on advancing Alzheimer’s research.
Recently, both women shared why they were excited to lead this year’s Women’s Health Symposium and why working together is “pure pleasure” and “as good as it gets.”
How has UT Southwestern impacted you and your family?
Mrs. Aaron: On Wednesday, October 26, 2016, our daughter, Morgan, was diagnosed with stage IV triple negative breast cancer with metastasis to her brain. She was 28 years old, and this diagnosis took us to our knees. We reached out to UT Southwestern and had a brilliant team assembled for our initial meetings two days later. With tremendous care, compassion, and steadfast resolve, our doctors put an immediate plan in place. Their quick response to our call and our daughter’s needs surely saved her life. Today, Morgan is cancer free and thriving in every aspect of her life. Every breath she takes, every second of her life, is a testament to UT Southwestern and it’s capacity to treat and heal in the most challenging of situations. The impact of this fine institution is at the forefront of our lives – every single day.
What distinguishes this institution as a leader in academic medicine?
Mrs. Glick: Growing up in Dallas and being very familiar with the campus my entire life, I have watched UT Southwestern grow into a national powerhouse. I have seen state-of-the-art buildings and infrastructure emerge; met the world-renowned faculty who came here to practice, research, and teach; and watched the Medical Center rise to the top of the rankings. What started out as a vision has evolved into a world class institution that continues to attract the best and brightest. We are so fortunate to have UT Southwestern in Dallas.
What do you find most engaging about the Women's Health Symposium?
Mrs. Aaron: Serving as Co-Chair for the Women’s Health Symposium has been a most gratifying experience. From our initial meeting, our opinions and voices have been considered and respected. The committee engaged us from the onset and were welcoming and responsive to our input. It has been collaborative, interesting, and very rewarding working with these remarkable women and the enthusiastic, dedicated doctors on staff.
Mrs. Glick: I have attended the Women’s Health Symposium for as long as I can remember. It is truly one of my favorite days of the year. Each time I don't think it can get any better, and then the day exceeds my expectations.
UT Southwestern Associate Professor of Internal Medicine Heather McArthur, M.D., discusses her research with attendees during the Carolyn P. Horchow Women’s Health Symposium on March 22, 2022. Mei-Chun Jau/UT Southwestern Medical Center
Having an opportunity to participate in a focused, interesting, and compelling symposium with world class practitioners and researchers is always a highlight for me and makes me hopeful for our future. It was such an honor to co-chair the Symposium this year. This year I am in awe of the speakers and the information they provided on the topic “Insights into Cancer.” It was an insightful and empowering day for women.
What have you learned about UT Southwestern?
Mrs. Aaron: First and foremost, the collaboration among doctors in every discipline sets this campus apart – head over heels – from all other hospitals. The behind-the-scenes teamwork makes patient care seamless. It is a finely tuned system that benefits doctors and their patients. The morale and attitude, in every aspect, are positive and unwavering in support of UT Southwestern's commitment to healing, hope, and restored health.
What has been your most memorable volunteer experience?
Mrs. Glick: I really don’t think I can pick just one experience. I have done everything from regularly volunteering at Children’s Health to serving on the finance and student life committees of the President’s Advisory Board. Each time I do something at UT Southwestern, I truly get more than I give. Being Co-Chair of the Women’s Health Symposium has been an incredibly memorable experience for me. The doctors and staff that I have had the honor to work with make me so proud to be associated with UT Southwestern.
As a donor, why do you continue to give?
Mrs. Aaron: This important campus serves as a beacon of hope to our community. It is a tremendous privilege to support UT Southwestern and its endeavors. I plan on being a lifelong, loyal proponent of its continued growth. It is my sincere passion project.
What is UT Southwestern's biggest contribution to the community?
Mrs. Glick: If the last two years have taught us anything, it is that UT Southwestern is the heart of our community – providing the best health care for the entire community. UT Southwestern continues to reach out and serve the entire North Texas community, and the opening of the new medical center at RedBird later this year in south Dallas is just the latest example.
Throughout the pandemic, the entire Metroplex has relied on the COVID-19 research and forecasting from UT Southwestern. In the face of overwhelming obstacles during the pandemic, UT Southwestern continued to provide the best health care and advanced medical technology with the world’s best and brightest doctors, nurses, and technicians – all with a smile and a gracious attitude. We are all fortunate that the men and women at UT Southwestern continue to put themselves on the frontline, healing others and saving lives so that the rest of us can have a sense of comfort and hope during what has been, to say the least, a very unnerving and trying couple of years.
- Dr. McArthur holds the Komen Distinguished Chair in Clinical Breast Cancer Research.
- Dr. Podolsky holds the Philip O’Bryan Montgomery, Jr., M.D. Distinguished Presidential Chair in Academic Administration and the Doris and Bryan Wildenthal Distinguished Chair in Medical Science.