Concept art of the UT Southwestern two-story Radiation Oncology facility adjacent to the Moncrief Cancer Institute in Fort Worth.

Volunteer Spotlight

Two Titans Support UT Southwestern’s Fort Worth Expansion

Kit Moncrief and Matt Rose are enthusiastic backers of the Fort Worth Expansion, expanding UT Southwestern Medical Center’s specialized care to the west

Kit Moncrief and Matt Rose embody the can-do spirit and forward-thinking ambition that has helped propel Fort Worth’s recent growth. And nothing mirrors their support more than their tireless backing of the projected expansion of UT Southwestern Medical Center in Fort Worth.

Together as Co-Chairs for the Campaign Steering Committee, Mrs. Moncrief and Mr. Rose are leading the fundraising efforts for UT Southwestern’s clinical expansion in Ft. Worth. To address the medical needs of the growing population in Tarrant County, UT Southwestern is launching an initiative to bring the latest healthcare advances and scientific discoveries to the west, starting with a new state-of-the-art radiation oncology facility. Fort Worth is currently grappling with a significant shortage of radiation oncology services, meaning many cancer patients must travel to Dallas or elsewhere for treatment. By building out the full suite of cancer care services, UT Southwestern hopes to ensure that patients living in the Greater Fort Worth area will have access to the most innovative and comprehensive care right in their own community. The new radiation oncology facility will be connected to the existing Moncrief Cancer Institute and will include highly advanced treatment technologies, some of which will be the first of their kind in Fort Worth.

Kit Moncrief portrait
Kit Moncrief Provided by Kit Moncrief

It is difficult to imagine two more energized proponents of this project than Mrs. Moncrief and Mr. Rose. Born in Fort Worth, Mrs. Moncrief is a graduate of Southern Methodist University, with a major in art history and a lifelong abiding interest in ranch management. Serving as the current Chair of the Board at Texas Christian University, a board member of the Moncrief Cancer Foundation, and a trustee of Southwestern Medical Foundation, Mrs. Moncrief has maintained a deep connection with UT Southwestern, especially after her late husband, Charlie, received treatment for glioblastoma at UT Southwestern.

“UT Southwestern is quite simply the best when it comes to research and in providing the best doctors and the most thoughtful nurses working together in the nicest facilities,” Mrs. Moncrief said. “I now see Fort Worth as a large and growing city for which it is so important to have its own cancer radiation center to be able to serve not just patients from Fort Worth, but everyone from Lubbock to North Texas needing highly specialized cancer care.”

Matt Rose headshot
Matt Rose Provided by Matt Rose

Matt Rose, a native of Salina, Kansas, completed his education at the University of Missouri-Columbia before relocating to Fort Worth 42 years ago. He went on to join Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway, eventually retiring five years ago as its Chairman and CEO. Mr. Rose would grow more familiar with what UT Southwestern had to offer when he joined the Southwestern Medical Foundation board, striking up an enduring professional relationship with UT Southwestern President Daniel K. Podolsky, M.D.

“As the 12th largest city in the country, Fort Worth now requires a higher level of excellence in health care, the kind of excellence that UT Southwestern can provide,” Mr. Rose said. “Kit and I have known each other for a very long time, and I don’t think there is anybody with a more personal attachment to UT Southwestern and Tarrant County than Kit Moncrief.”

Recently, Mrs. Moncrief and Mr. Rose took time out from their busy schedules to elaborate on their devotion to Fort Worth and why they fervently believe in the game-changing impact of the Fort Worth expansion of UT Southwestern.

Please describe your special connection to Fort Worth and, in general, what makes Fort Worth such a distinctive community to call home?


As a lifelong resident of Fort Worth, I have been deeply involved in the community from a young age. I have a strong sense of commitment to giving back to the city that I love and will continue to support. Fort Worth has a distinctive modern charm that lies in its unique blend of history, heritage, and tradition. As Cowtown has continued to grow, we have retained much of the historical appeal. Yet, we have embraced progress, becoming a vibrant cultural hub with a thriving art scene, world-class museums, a leader in health care providers, and education.


My wife Lisa and I have made our home in the Fort Worth area for the past 30 years. I worked at BNSF Railway, headquartered in Fort Worth, as Chairman and CEO for 20 years. I served on the Texas Christian University Board for 20 years and both of our kids attended school there.

What from your own experience makes UT Southwestern such a high-quality health care institution and a highly valued member of the Fort Worth community?


UT Southwestern has made significant investment in its Fort Worth footprint. This is evident in the expansion of UT Southwestern’s physical footprint but also the commitment of being engaged and invested in our communities through outreach programs, events, and contributing to the local economy through job creation and research activities. As Fort Worth continues to grow, it is increasingly important to have world-class health care at our fingertips.


When people have to make personal decisions about their health care provider and where to go for treatment, especially for complex health concerns, many times we see people crossing the Tarrant County border going to Dallas to the UT Southwestern campus. That happens hundreds of times every day. People do this because they want the best specialty care for themselves or their family members. UT Southwestern has a reputation that when people are in their time of need, they want to utilize the system. An expansion of the Fort Worth campus will allow more people to have access to this world class system, right here in our own community.

What are you most looking forward to about the Fort Worth expansion of UT Southwestern?


The project is expanding UT Southwestern’s state-of-the-art facilities to offer a wider range of treatments and procedures to the Fort Worth community, including cutting-edge radiation therapies and comprehensive cancer care. UT Southwestern will be able to deliver the latest health care advancements and scientific innovations, as well as address the clinician deficit that continues to grow as the population of Fort Worth surpasses one million people over the next two years.

In what areas of treatment and research do you think the Fort Worth expansion will have the greatest impact on the community?


I have been around the UT Southwestern system in different capacities over the past 20 years. I have witnessed a number of different facets of the organization and have seen the excellence of its “service delivery” from the valet team that parks the cars to the research that is being done. What UT Southwestern will do is expand on the great work that the Moncrief Center Institute already does and bring in new technology and additional health care professionals to make the Fort Worth campus the place all people in Fort Worth and West Texas want to come to be treated.

When it comes to spearheading the philanthropy necessary to launch the Fort Worth expansion, what is your overall approach to this ambitious project?


I view my role as someone who convenes groups of people to raise awareness and understanding of UT Southwestern. Many of us spend a lot of time thinking about how to ensure that Fort Worth truly develops into a world-class city. Certainly, we all think about education systems and transportation systems, but a world class health care system is a necessary part of that vision. UT Southwestern is known around the world for its reputation of being top of the class. Fort Worth has the opportunity to embrace this exciting time to partner with UT Southwestern in developing and improving its health care capabilities, particularly for the highly specialized care that an academic medical center can uniquely provide.

  • Dr. Podolsky holds the Philip O’Bryan Montgomery, Jr., M.D. Distinguished Presidential Chair in Academic Administration, and the Charles Cameron Sprague Distinguished Chair in Biomedical Science.