Making Lemonade - Match Day 2020
Students were provided Match Day t-shirts, signs, and cookies for their at home celebrations.
Dear fellow alumni,
UT Southwestern Medical School could not be prouder of your valiant efforts at the front lines of the COVID-19 pandemic. We can only imagine how difficult this has been for each and every one of you as you work tirelessly to protect and care for the health and well being of society all while putting your own health and safety at risk. You are true heroes.
There will soon be a new group of alumni to join the effort, and for them - today marks a very important and meaningful milestone. While we are saddened and disappointed that the Class of 2020 has been so impacted by the pandemic and need for social distancing, despite the cancellation of in person celebrations, they have been incredibly impressed with their positive attitude, resilience, flexibility, and understanding. Today, we will celebrate Match Day virtually via a large video conference call where they will be congratulated by our President, Dean, and Associate Deans of Student Affairs. We will present the Iatros Award, established by the Class of 1984, and then cheer them on as they all open their emails from the NRMP at exactly 11:00 a.m. We provided Match Day t-shirts, signs, and cookies and hope they will share videos and photos with us using #UTSWmatch and #Match2020. I hope you will take some time to reminisce on your own Match Day.
In the midst of this crisis, it is important to find moments of joy to celebrate. Match Day is a perfect time to pause and acknowledge the many years of hard work and honor their commitment to serve the suffering. Our students are incredibly resilient. I want to also share that despite having their clinical rotations on temporary hold, they have rallied to support the health care system through an incredible volunteer effort screening patients at hospital and clinic entrances, manning the phones in occupational health and at the Dallas County Department of Health, becoming PPE trainers and spotters, delivering needed supplies in the hospital, providing child care for providers, etc. I could not possibly be more proud of how they have stepped up to do their part to support many of you, allowing you and other physicians to safety care for patients.
Please join with me in celebrating Match Day and the Class of 2020.
Thank you for all that you are doing to protect and care for society. We could not be prouder.
Warm regards,
Angela Mihalic, M.D. | Class of 1995
Dean of Medical Students and Associate Dean for Student Affairs