Seldin Symposium celebrates
internal medicine research
The 2019 Seldin Scholar, Dr. Matthew Segar and Dr. Ellen Seldin (center), pose with
the Foster Fellows on Seldin Plaza.
This May, residents, fellows, faculty, and staff were invited to celebrate research conducted by UT Southwestern Internal Medicine trainees and their mentors at the fourth annual Donald W. Seldin Research Symposium.
Posters detailing the collaborative research activities were on display inside the Eugene McDermott Plaza and Lecture Halls on Thursday, May 9, until 3 p.m. The next day, six finalists were announced as Foster Fellows (see below) in honor of the late Dr. Daniel W. Foster following the Internal Medicine Ground Rounds.
On May 17, the finalists presented their work as brief oral abstracts during Grand Rounds, with the winnning Seldin Schoar, Dr. Matthew Segar, was selected by the voting audience. Monetary awards were issued to each finalist and faculty mentor to support the academic professional development of each trainee, including the publication and/or presentation at a national meeting of the collaborative research project.
The Symposium is made possible by generous donations that enable UT Southwestern to award honors to trainees for the most outstanding and impactful research presentations. You can support the Seldin Scholars Program by giving online.